Day 7

By the seventh day God had finished his work, and so he rested. God blessed the seventh day and made it special because on that day he rested from his work.  Gen 2:2-3

Artwork - Jesus the Living Water

Artist: Troy Mulvien Mardigan

Language: Ngengi'wumirri

Community: Nauiyu - Daly River

Troy learnt how to paint from his grandmother when he was a young boy. He uses traditional stories and styles to integrate his art and faith. Troy attended his first course at Nungalinya when he was 19 years old. He has completed the foundation study course, music and media and is currently also completing a theology certificate. He uses his growing understanding of the Scriptures as inspiration for his paintings.

Troy is actively involved with the art centre in Daly River and hopes to continue sharing his faith in the art industry and the wider Christian community.

This is a story about Jesus. This painting represents Jesus as the truth. The river represents Jesus as the living water. It is flowing from the foot of the cross towards new life. The flowers represent new life.

He is the water of the dry land and the green land. On the top of the cross is the omega symbol - He is the beginning and the end.

Artist Video

Hear Troy sharing about his art journey in this video.