Get involved Bush Tucker Walk Cluster Fig Common Name: Cluster Fig Botanical Name: Ficus racemosa A large spreading tree growing 12–15m high with smooth, pale bark. Fruiting for much of the year producing large fleshy figs 2-4cm in diameter, green, then yellow and finally turning red when ripe. Fruit grows rather peculiarly in clusters on short stalks attached to trunk and main branches. Trees found in moist habitats, along freshwater streams and low cliffs above the beach. Aboriginal Uses This fruit is a plentiful and sought after food source. A liquid preparation made from the inner wood can be drunk or used as a bath to relieve diarrhoea. Interesting Facts The fruit from the cluster fig is also a popular medicinal plant in Indian traditional medicine being used for various diseases. In the Scriptures, the fig tree was a metaphor for the health of the nation of Israel. In times of trouble there was no fruit, symbolising the need for repentance. Other times when there was an abundance of fruit, it was a time of rich blessing. The fig trees might not bud. The vines might not produce any grapes.The olive crop might fail. The fields might not produce any food. There might not be any sheep in the pens.There might not be any cattle in the barns. But I will still be glad because of what the Lord has done. God my Saviour fills me with joy. - Habakkuk 3:17-18 « Home »