Get involved Bible Gardens Trail Way of the Cross Way of the Cross Welcome to the Way of the Cross trail. It is a modern version of the ancient Stations of the Cross devotional walk. In 2022, the 'Art and Faith' classes focussed on the fifteen Bible passages creating this mural to tell the good news story of Jesus. The class mural is displayed at the commencement of the trail. There are 15 resting places depicted on the Way of the Cross class mural. You can be contemplate these along the stops on the Walking Trail. Last Supper Gethsemane Jesus in the Garden Judas betrays Jesus High Priest's Courtyard The Lawmen judge Jesus Peter denies Jesus Pilate's Courtyard Pilate judges Jesus Jesus is flogged The Road Jesus carries the Cross Simon helps Jesus Jesus talks to the Women Calvary Jesus is crucified Jesus talks to Mary and John Jesus dies on the Cross The Tomb Jesus is buried Jesus is risen