Get involved Bible Gardens Trail Way of the Cross Garden of Gethsemane Jesus prays in the Garden of Gethsemane Matthew 26: 36-41 CEV Jesus went with his disciples to a place called Gethsemane. When they got there, he told them, “Sit here while I go over there and pray.” Jesus took along Peter and the two brothers, James and John. He was very sad and troubled, and he said to them, “I am so sad that I feel as if I am dying. Stay here and keep awake with me.” Jesus walked on a little way. Then he knelt with his face to the ground and prayed, “My Father, if it is possible, don’t make me suffer by having me drink from this cup. But do what you want, and not what I want.” He came back and found his disciples sleeping. So he said to Peter, “Can’t any of you stay awake with me for just one hour? Stay awake and pray that you won’t be tested. You want to do what is right, but you are weak.” Wendy's Prayer “Dedi God, we pray that through our suffering that we will accept your will in our lives.” Artwork - Praying in Gethsemane Jesus is having his final prayer with his father before he dies. Jesus was ready to give his body and to go through the suffering. It was like back in the Garden of Eden, because of sin we are separated. Because Jesus drank the cup of pain and suffering for us he turned it around to bring us back into relationship with God. Artist: Mandy Manggurra Language: Wubuy Community: Numbulwar Mandy has been involved with Nungalinya for many years. She is a trainer at the college and has an amazing depth of knowledge in the scriptures. Mandy has been drawing scriptures for many years but had never tried painting. The moment she put paint onto the canvas it was evident Mandy had a gift. Mandy is a beautiful dancer and she is using the same source and expression of worship in her painting. The explanations of her artworks reveal her deep relationship with Christ and her ability to ‘see beauty through his eyes’. Artwork - Jesus Praying in the Garden Jesus asked his disciples to wait for him. But they were sleeping. He was praying to Dedi God and the light from God is shining down on him. He was sad because he knew what was going to happen but he knew that it was Dedi God’s plan. Artist: Bessie Moore Language: Kriol Community: Urapunga This has been Bessie’s first time studying at Nungalinya and first time studying art! She has been a keen student and quite quickly found her own unique style. Bessie draws on her love for her country and knowledge of the land as inspiration for her work. As her confidence in painting grew, she quickly moved to incorporating her faith and Bible knowledge into her work. Bessie is keen to use her newly found gift to continue sharing the gospel and its application to her family in Urapunga. Judas betrays Jesus Mark 14: 43-46 CEV Jesus was still speaking, when Judas the betrayer came up. He was one of the twelve disciples, and a mob of men armed with swords and clubs were with him. They had been sent by the chief priests, the nation’s leaders, and the teachers of the Law of Moses. Judas had told them ahead of time, “Arrest the man I greet with a kiss. Tie him up tight and lead him away.” Judas walked right up to Jesus and said, “Teacher!” Then Judas kissed him, and the men grabbed Jesus and arrested him. Wendy's Prayer - “Heavenly Father, we pray for those who done wrong to us. Bless them and speak to their heart.” Artwork - Makarrata In the old days, when someone does a bad thing that person is taken to trial. His friend would take him out to the bush where there were a group of men waiting to judge him. The story of Jesus being betrayed by Judas reminds me of the old way of ‘makarrata’. But Jesus knew he was going to be put to trial even though he didn’t commit any sin. He took the punishment for us. Mark 14:43-50 Artist: Frances Rrikili Garrawurra Language: Djambarrpuyngu Community: Ramingining Rrikili took a break from her theology studies at Nungalinya to concentrate on building her skills as a communicator through the arts. She is a keen dancer and artist but had put her painting practice to the side for many years. Rrikili found much joy in expressing herself creatively through the arts and sharing her expansive knowledge and wisdom in integrating art, faith and culture. She is dedicated to using her gifts for the Kingdom and encouraging others to do the same.