News and events News First Languages Focus In August we held our latest ‘Languages Workshop’, this time focussing on Acts 1-10. Although the latest snap-lockdown impacted our time, Elders completed recordings in Kriol, Wubuy, Maung, Eastern Arrernte, Western Arranda, Tiwi, Murrinh-patha, Djambarrpuyngu, Wangurri, Kunwinjku, Warlpiri and Pitjantjatjara! We hope to be able to extend the Indigenous Languages and Arts (ILA) funding which made the workshops possible into 2022, where we will focus on the Easter story. Meanwhile, on Groote Eylandt an ‘Introduction to Translation’ week-long workshop was held. Led by experienced linguist and pastor David Crawford, a great time was had as both old and new translators of Anindilyakwa wrestled with meaning-based translation principles. The very appropriate 2 Timothy 3: 16-17 became the focus for the week!